Find quick answers to common questions and issues with the FAQs below:

What is Certify'em?

Certify'em is an "Add-on" for Google Quizzes. It extends the functionality of Quizzes by allowing you to send a certificate when someone passes, and keep certification records. 

Certify'em is not a product made by Google.  Certify'em is a product of Gleeda Software LLC.

Is it free to use?

Much of the functionality of Certify'em is available for free.  Some additional features, as well as the removal of the "Made for free with Certify'em" attribution label, are available in the Certify'em Gold and Certify'em Platinum plans.

How can I remove the "Made for free with Certify'em" message?

To remove the "Made for free with Certify'em" attribution label, you can upgrade from the free version of Certify'em to either Certify'em Gold or Certify'em Platinum.

When will I next be billed for my subscription? 

You can see information about your current plan details, including your next auto-payment date (for subscription plans) by selecting "Plan & Payment" from the main Certify'em menu. Just open your Google Form, click the puzzle piece icon, select "Certify'em", and then "Plan and Payment".

How do I find and download my invoices and receipts?

You can retrieve invoices and receipts from the "Plan & Payment" window from the main Certify'em menu. Just open your Google Form, click the puzzle piece icon, select "Certify'em", and then "Plan and Payment". Links to your most recent 4 invoices will be shown. Click on an invoice link to view it. Once viewed, you can download the invoice and/or the associated receipt.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can request cancellation of your subscription to Certify'em Gold or Platinum on this page. Be sure to enter the email address associated with your subscription. You will receive a response by email.  Be sure to review our cancellation policy.

Note that you cannot use this form to cancel an Event Pass, since an Event Pass is a one-time purchase (not a subscription) which will expire automatically.

How can I update my payment card?

You can update your payment card for an active subscription on this page.  The payment card you specify will replace the existing payment method on record.

Note: If you purchased using Google Pay or Apple Pay (check your receipt), it is recommended you update your payment card with that service instead.

Why has my email quota has not increased after making my payment?

There are a few reasons why your email quota may not have increased as expected, including:

If you are still in need of assistance regarding your quota, please email certifyem-support@gleeda.net and include a screenshot of the "About Certify'em" window from the Certify'em Add-on.

Why do I need a Google account?

Certify'em builds on top of Google Quizzes (aka "Forms"). These are stored in your Google Drive account, and hence a Gmail or Google Workspace (G Suite) account is needed for use. Certify'em also stores certification records in a Google Spreadsheet in your account.

How many certificates can I send per day?

Your daily email quota depends on which Certify'em plan you are using:

Note that if you choose to send emails for exam attempts (an email is sent even when participants don't pass), then those emails also count towards this limit. 

Exceeding this daily quota will affect the ability of Certify'em to send certificates until it is reset (once every ~24 hours).

* Requires that your account has access to Gmail (gmail.com). Without access you will be limited to 60 email recipients / day, even with the GOLD or PLATINUM plan.
**The higher limit of 1500 email recipients / day requires a mature Google Workspace account (at least 60 days have passed since you have reached the $100 USD payment threshold). Prior to this your quota will be lower. If you do not have a Workspace account (i.e. you have a regular @gmail.com account) then you will be limited to 400 email recipients / day (same as GOLD plan).

How many certificates can I send per minute?

Certify'em can process approximately 50 Google Form responses per minute. Additional responses per minute may fail to be processed by Certify'em. The Issue Certificates Manually function of Certify'em could be used to process these later.

This limit should be considered if you plan to have an event in which a large number of attendees will fill out your Google Form during a very short period of time.

How do I install Certify'em?

Visit the Workspace Marketplace page and click on the INSTALL button. Authorize Certify'em to run in your account and get started. See the Instructions for more details.

Why must I authorize Certify'em to run in my account? 

To do its job, Certify'em has to interact with certain files in your Google Drive, send email to participants, and do other tasks essential to its operation. Google requires that Certify'em  ask your permission for this type of access.

We only ask for this access so we can:

Does Certify'em look at or share my data?

Certify'em will never share your information. In fact, all of your information stays in your Google account (Drive and Gmail) and never resides on our servers.  And Certify'em will never look at files in your Google Drive other than those  it creates itself, or those which you specify to use as custom certificate templates. 

What happens if someone doesn't receive, or loses their certificate?

All emails are sent from your Gmail or Google Workspace  account, meaning they can be found in your "Sent" mail folder. Just search your Sent mail folder for the email (with attached certificate) and then forward it to the person.

If you have purchased a Platinum plan, you can also find a link to the certificate in Google Drive in your Certificate Records sheet.

You can also resend a certificate if needed.

Why are participants not receiving their certificates?

See this article for help.

Does Certify'em offer support?

Those who purchase Certify'em Gold and Platinum plans can email questions to certifyem-support@gleeda.net. Other users are welcome to email, but a guarantee of support or a timely response is not be guaranteed.

Where can I see the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy?

   Terms of Service

   Privacy Policy

Why are participants asked to log in to to see my exam?

You need to change the Settings in your Google Quiz to allow anyone to access it, and not just restrict it to others in your same Google Workspace domain (as shown below).  Uncheck the "Restrict to" box underneath "Requires sign in" in your Google Form/Quiz settings.

Can I let participants know if they passed or failed?

By default Certify'em only shares a certificate if the participant passes, and shows a generic message upon exam submission regardless of whether the participant passed or failed. But you can use the native Google Quiz settings to give the participant an indication of whether they passed or failed. See this help article for more.

You can also choose to send an email if the user doesn't pass. See Advanced Settings

Can I send certificates at a later time, rather when someone responds?

Yes. See this article for instructions.

Can I have an exam that's not worth any points (such as for attendance)?

Yes. See this article for instructions. You can also see our page on webinars.

Is Certify'em GDPR compliant?

Yes. Per GDPR, Certify'em is a Data Controller for individuals using it. All of your Certify'em related data resides in your Google Drive. Certify'em only acts on this data, and doesn't store any of it itself. So as far as GDPR goes for things like data portability, right to be forgotten, and access & restriction, Certify'em is GDPR compliant because Google Drive is. Certify'em also asks for all consent/permission upon install, and can be uninstalled by the user at any time, with all data remaining only in the users Google Drive account afterwards. 

Is Certify'em COPPA and FERPA compliant?

Yes. Certify'em doesn't store any data from the Google Forms or Form Responses it processes. All data lives only in the user's Google Drive.  The user (i.e. teacher) is in full control of what respondent (i.e. student) information, if any, is included in the certificates shared to those respondents.  Certify'em doesn't serve any ads. Certify'em also asks for all consent/permission upon install, and can be uninstalled by the user (i.e. teacher) at any time, with all information remaining only in the user's Google Drive account afterwards. 

As such, yes, Certify'em can be used in a FERPA and COPPA compliant fashion.

How can I transfer certification on an exam between accounts.

Sometimes you may want to change the account being used to send certificates on a given exam (Google Form). For example, you may have set it up with the wrong account. Or you may be switching from Gmail to Google Workspace (aka G Suite) and want to transfer over your exams.

You can accomplish this by following these recommended steps, in the order listed, on this page.