Advanced Options
Setting Advanced Options
From the pop-up Certify'em menu, click "Advanced" in the "More" section at the bottom. This will open the Advanced Options window in which you can adjust various options for this exam.
See the sections below for explanations about the various options. Note that these changes affect only the exam you set them in, and will not affect any other exams. To go back to using a field's original (default) value, leave the field blank. Be sure to save your changes when done. To cancel your changes before saving, click the 'x' in the upper-right of the window.
Exam Options
In this section you can set options related to the exam (aka Google Form or Quiz):
Message Shown Upon Submission: The text that is shown upon submitting the exam. This text is shown whether the exam-taker passed or failed, so ensure it is generic enough to cover both cases. The default (if blank) is: "Thank you for your submission. If you passed you will receive a printable certificate shortly".
Allow cc via "Other Identifier" fields: If checked, then if an email address is entered into one of the two "Other Identifier" fields (and/or one of the next two "Other Identifier" fields for Gold & Platinum plan users) , it will be cc'd upon sending out a certificate. This can be useful if the exam taker wants a copy of her certificate automatically sent to another party for verification upon passing. This only works if the email address entered is valid (e.g., and is a single address (multiple addresses or any content with a space in it will not work). Note that these emails also count against your daily email quota.
Email Options
In this section you can set options related to the emails sent when exam-takers pass your exam (if sharing certificates via email):
Name of Sender: The name that will be used as the sender of the email. The default (if left blank) is "Certify'em". Note that this doesn't change the return email address (which is yours), and only changes the name that the recipient sees next to it.
Subject of Email: The custom subject of the email sent upon passing.
Contents of Body: The custom contents of the email sent upon passing. You can use this box to enter any custom message, including HTML (for links to other resources).
Certificate Bcc: An email address to which all emails with certificates should be sent. This can be useful for ensuring a copy of sent certificates is kept in a different location (copies are already kept in the Gmail 'Sent' folder of the account in which Certify'em in installed). Note that these emails also count against your daily email quota.
Send Email on Attempt: If checked, sends an email when exam-takers attempt, but don't pass the exam. Note that these emails also count against your daily email quota. When this is enabled, you can also specify a custom subject and body to be sent on attempts, which is different than the subject and body sent upon passing.
Using Merge Tags in Subject and Body:
If using your own custom subject and email body (for passing and/or attempt emails), note that you can use the same merge tags that are available in custom certificates. For example:
Subject: Thanks for your submission to {{title}}
Email Body: Sorry {{full name}}, you did not pass the exam: {{title}} Your score: {{percent}}. Passing score: {{passing percent}}.
Certificate Options
In this section you can set options related to the certificate shared when exam-takers pass your exam:
Send as: The file type that will shared with the exam-taker, either PDF or IMAGE (PNG). Images can be useful for badges and will always be 1600px wide.
Share via: The method by which the certificate will be shared with the participant. Note that the options available depend on subscription type:
Free and Gold Plans:
"Email": Certificate is delivered to participant by email.
Platinum Plan:
"Email - Certificate is stored": Certificate is delivered to participant by email and also stored in a folder in Google Drive for later use.
"Email - Certificate not stored": Certificate is delivered to participant by email but not stored in Google Drive. This is the same behavior as the "Email" option in the Free and Gold plans. Note that selecting this option will impact the usefulness of QR codes as no certificate preview will be available when the QR code is scanned.
"Don't share - Certificate is stored": Certificate is not shared with participant, but is stored in a folder in Google Drive for later use.
All Plans:
"Google Drive": If checked, Certify'em will not directly email the certificate to the participant. Instead it will keep a copy of the certificate in your Google Drive and share it with the participant. The participant will receive an email notification from Google Drive, and can also check the "Shared with me" section of their own Google Drive ( account for a copy of their certificate.
Note that:Recipients without a Google account (i.e. G Suite or will get a notification email from Google Drive, but will only be able to view the file (download and print options will be disabled) and so will have to take a screenshot.
If this option is used, the "Email Options" will not apply, since no email is sent directly from Certify'em.
Timezone: The timezone you are located in. This is auto-detected, but can be changed with this menu option. Setting the correct timezone ensures the accuracy of dates printed on your certificates.
Date Format: The format of the date in certificates and emails when the {{date}} merge tag is used. If "Automatic" is chosen, the format is auto-selected based on the locale of your web browser.
Certificate File Name: A custom file name used for certificates attached to emails. Note that the ".pdf" or ".png" extension will be automatically added, so there is no need to include it in your file name. Also note that you are able to use merge tags in the file name, such as "Certificate for {{file name}} for {{title}}". File names are limited to 80 characters (not including the extension).
Certificate ID Prefix (Certify'em Gold & Platinum only): The text that should precede the certificate serial number,. This overrides the default of "{{Form_id}}-CE".
Certificate Folder (Certify'em Platinum only): The folder in Google Drive where certificates are stored. By default, all certificates are stored in a folder called "Certify'em - Shared Certificates" in your My Drive. You can change this by clicking the "Change" button to search for and select any Google Drive folder you have access to. Note that:
Selecting a new folder will not affect any other Google Forms where you had already explicitly selected a different folder. Those Forms will continue storing certificates in the same folder you selected previously. However, your new selection will become the default for future Google Forms where you use Certify'em.
If you lose access to this folder, or downgrade from Certify'em Platinum, certificates will revert to being stored in the default location.